Environmental health research penn state

Environmental health research penn state

Penn State’s Groundbreaking Discovery: How Environmental Health Threats Are Quietly Impacting Millions—Is Your Family Safe?

Environmental health research penn state

Early Exposure to TCDF Alters Gut Microbiome and Increases Risk of Metabolic Disorders, Penn State Study Finds

Research conducted on mice demonstrates that early exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) severely disrupts the gut microbiome, setting the stage for metabolic disorders in later life.

Recent findings from Penn State reveal that early environmental exposure to so-called ‘forever chemicals’ causes irreversible changes to the gut microbiome in mice, which may trigger metabolic diseases as they age.

Published in Environmental Health Perspectives, this research suggests that similar exposure during early childhood could be a contributing factor to the growing prevalence of metabolic disorders like obesity and type 2 diabetes in adults.

The study zeroed in on 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF), a ubiquitous POP generated from waste incineration, metal production, and the burning of fossil fuels and wood. TCDF, which accumulates in the food chain, primarily exposes humans through the consumption of high-fat foods such as meat, dairy, and certain fish. Infants can also ingest TCDF through breast milk.

“POPs are widespread in our environment, with almost all living organisms having been exposed,” said Andrew Patterson, the John T. and Paige S. Smith Professor of Molecular Toxicology and Biochemistry at Penn State.

“The detrimental health impacts of these chemicals are well-established, including birth defects and cancer. Our study is the first to indicate that early exposure to a specific POP, TCDF, disrupts the gut microbiome and is linked to metabolic disorders later in life.”

Environmental health research penn state: Methodology and Initial Findings

The research team explored the effects of TCDF on two groups of mice—those exposed to TCDF and a control group that was not.

They administered a pill containing 0.46 micrograms (µg) of TCDF to four-week-old mice for five days, while the control group received a pill devoid of TCDF. Though 0.46 µg exceeds typical human dietary exposure levels, it remains below the threshold for toxic illness.

“In our experiment, the dosage was relatively high compared to typical human exposures. However, this enables us to identify new toxicity thresholds, especially in the gut microbiome, and to infer what might occur at lower doses.

It’s also crucial to consider how complex mixtures of these POPs interact with us and our microbial partners, as a single exposure doesn’t fully replicate real-life scenarios.”

Subsequently, the researchers analyzed the mice’s gut microbiomes and various health indicators, including body weight, glucose tolerance, liver triglyceride levels, and fecal mucus content—markers of metabolic disease.

Data were collected immediately after the five-day TCDF exposure and again three months later, which, in human terms, corresponds to infancy and young adulthood.

“We discovered that early life exposure to TCDF permanently altered the gut microbiomes of the wild-type mice,” noted Yuan Tian, the study’s lead author and an associate research professor at Penn State. “These mice also exhibited increased body weight and glucose intolerance by the age of four months.”

Environmental health research penn state: Further Experiments and Conclusions

To delve deeper into TCDF’s impact on the gut microbiome, scientists transplanted the disrupted microbiomes from TCDF-exposed mice into mice with no microbiomes and assessed their health outcomes.

The recipient mice developed metabolic disorders, implicating the altered microbiome as the underlying cause.

“These findings imply that early exposure to TCDF might be responsible for the gut microbiome disruptions and subsequent health issues later in life, even after the TCDF has been purged from the body,” Tian explained.

The microbiome disturbances were characterized by a reduction in specific bacterial species, including Akkermansia muciniphila, a bacterium commonly found in the human gut microbiome.

“This is significant because Akkermansia is vital for overall gut health, but our study shows it can be adversely impacted by TCDF,” Tian added.

To assess the role of Akkermansia muciniphila in health outcomes, the team administered the bacterium as a probiotic to TCDF-treated mice. Remarkably, the probiotic restored the microbiome to its normal state.

“Our results suggest that these bacteria, influenced by toxic exposure, are crucial in mediating health outcomes,” Patterson said. “With further research, we might one day be able to restore an individual’s microbiome to its optimal state through prebiotic and probiotic supplementation.”

study Reference

“Effects of Early Life Exposures to the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ligand TCDF on Gut Microbiota and Host Metabolic Homeostasis in C57BL/6J Mice” by Yuan Tian, Bipin Rimal, Jordan E. Bisanz, et al., Environmental Health Perspectives, August 14, 2024.

The U.S. National Institutes of Health, U.S. National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and Pennsylvania Department of Health supported this research.

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