heat to light nanotechnology

heat to light nanotechnology

Transforming Heat Into Customized Light Using Advanced Nanotechnology

Heat to light nanotechnology

Researchers at the CUNY Graduate Center have achieved a remarkable breakthrough in the field of optical manipulation, utilizing metasurfaces to alter the characteristics of thermal radiation.

Their recent study unveils how these nanoscale, two-dimensional materials can precisely control thermal radiation, enabling the creation of tailored light sources.

This discovery holds transformative potential across various domains, including military technology and space exploration.

Pioneering Advances in Light Manipulation

In an unprecedented development, the team at the Advanced Science Research Center at the CUNY Graduate Center (CUNY ASRC) has demonstrated that metasurfaces—nanoscale-engineered, two-dimensional structures—can exert meticulous control over the optical properties of the thermal radiation they generate.

Published in Nature Nanotechnology, this groundbreaking research opens new frontiers in crafting bespoke light sources, offering unparalleled capabilities that could impact a multitude of scientific and technological fields.

Thermal radiation, which consists of electromagnetic waves produced by heat-induced random fluctuations in matter, is naturally broadband, encompassing a spectrum of colors. For instance, the glow of an incandescent bulb exemplifies this phenomenon.

However, this radiation is typically unpolarized and disperses in all directions due to its inherent randomness, limiting its utility in applications requiring well-defined light properties. In contrast, laser light, with its fixed frequency, polarization, and directionality, is highly prized in numerous advanced technologies.

Metasurfaces: Crafting Light with Precision

Metasurfaces offer a revolutionary solution by manipulating electromagnetic waves through precisely engineered arrays of nanopillars on their surfaces.

By tailoring these structures, researchers can control light scattering, effectively “sculpting” light to meet specific requirements. Until now, metasurfaces were primarily designed to manage laser light sources, necessitating cumbersome and costly setups for excitation.

“Our ultimate goal is to develop metasurface technology that eliminates the need for external laser sources, instead allowing for precise control over the thermal radiation it produces,” remarked Adam Overvig, a lead author and former postdoctoral researcher at the CUNY ASRC’s Photonics Initiative, now an assistant professor at Stevens Institute of Technology.

“This research marks a crucial step toward achieving this vision, laying the groundwork for a new class of metasurfaces that are powered by internal, heat-driven incoherent oscillations.”

Revolutionizing the Control of Thermal Radiation

Previously, the research team theorized that a well-designed metasurface could shape its own thermal radiation, imparting desirable characteristics such as specific frequencies, custom polarization, and even engineered wavefront shapes capable of producing holograms.

This theory suggested that, unlike traditional metasurfaces, an advanced metasurface could autonomously generate and manipulate its thermal radiation in unprecedented ways.

In this latest breakthrough, the team sought to validate their theoretical predictions through experimental means, introducing new functionalities.

The metasurface was realized by streamlining the previously intricate device architecture into a single, patterned layer. This simplified design not only eases fabrication but also enhances practical application.

A significant focus of the research was on producing thermal radiation with circularly polarized light, where the electric field oscillates in a rotating manner.

Earlier studies had shown that circular polarizations could be split into opposite directions, but controlling the polarization of emitted light further seemed impossible.

The team’s innovative design overcomes this challenge, enabling asymmetric emission of circular polarization in a single direction and demonstrating comprehensive control over thermal emission.

The Future of Custom Light Sources

“Custom light sources are critical to a vast array of scientific and technological disciplines,” noted Andrea Alù, a distinguished professor and Einstein Professor of Physics at The City University of New York Graduate Center, as well as the founding director of the CUNY ASRC Photonics Initiative.

“The ability to create compact, lightweight sources with precise spectral, polarization, and spatial characteristics is particularly advantageous for portable applications such as space technology, geological and biological field research, and military operations. This study represents a significant leap towards realizing these capabilities.”

The team highlighted that the methodologies employed in their current research could be adapted to improve light-emitting diodes (LEDs), enhancing a ubiquitous and cost-effective light source that has traditionally been challenging to control.

Looking forward, the researchers plan to integrate these elements to produce more intricate thermal emission patterns, such as focusing thermal radiation to a specific point or creating thermal holograms.

These advancements have the potential to revolutionize the development and functionality of custom light sources.

This research received funding from the Department of Defense Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, the Simons Foundation, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research MURI program.


“Local control of polarization and geometric phase in thermal metasurfaces” by J. Ryan Nolen, Adam C. Overvig, Michele Cotrufo, and Andrea Alù, 23 August 2024, Nature Nanotechnology.

DOI: 10.1038/s41565-024-01763-6

Heat to light nanotechnology

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