Nanodisk Boosts Light Advanced Photonics

Nanodisk Boosts Light Advanced Photonics

Revolutionizing Light: How Nanodisk Technology is Set to Transform Advanced Photonics!

Nanodisk Boosts Light Advanced Photonics

New Nanodisk Boosts Light Conversion Efficiency for Advanced Photonics

Researchers have developed a disk-like nanostructure that significantly enhances the efficiency of light frequency conversion. This groundbreaking advancement in photonics synergizes material and optical resonances within a compact framework, opening avenues for sophisticated optical and photonic applications.

At Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, scientists have achieved a remarkable milestone by merging two pivotal domains of photonics: nonlinear and high-index nanophotonics, resulting in a nanoobject with extraordinary optical characteristics. Remarkably, this structure is a thousand times thinner than a human hair yet possesses immense power, positioning it as a catalyst for creating efficient and compact nonlinear optical devices. “I believe this discovery holds tremendous potential,” states Professor Timur Shegai, the study’s leader.

Harnessing Light Through Advanced Photonics

Photonic applications exploit the interplay between light and matter to produce various fascinating phenomena. This interaction has propelled significant advancements in fields such as telecommunications, medicine, and spectroscopy, as well as in laser and quantum technologies. The researchers at Chalmers University have successfully synthesized a disk-like nanoobject that embodies a fusion of nonlinear and high-index nanophotonics.

“We were both astonished and elated by our achievement. The disk-like structure, despite its diminutive size relative to the wavelength of light, serves as an exceptionally efficient frequency converter. It demonstrates an efficiency increase of up to 10,000 times—or even more—compared to unstructured materials of the same class, affirming that nanostructuring is key to boosting efficacy,” explains Dr. Georgii Zograf, the principal author of the study published in Nature Photonics.

Schematic of the Optical Experiment: The near-infrared excitation laser (depicted in red at the bottom) targets a nanodisk made from a 3R-molybdenum disulfide flake positioned on a glass substrate. The quarter-sectional view of the disk illustrates how the incident laser excites optical resonances, resulting in red areas that indicate a higher density of the electromagnetic field. This localization, combined with the broken inverse symmetry of the crystalline lattice, facilitates the effective conversion of the red pump laser into blue light through frequency doubling. Credit: Chalmers University of Technology | Georgii Zograf

Nanodisk Boosts Light Advanced Photonics: A Breakthrough in Nanostructure Fabrication

In essence, the researchers have amalgamated material and optical resonances capable of light frequency conversion through the nonlinearity of crystals within the nanodisk. The fabrication process employed transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD), specifically molybdenum disulfide, an atomically thin material renowned for its exceptional optical properties at ambient temperatures. However, this material presents challenges in stacking without compromising its nonlinear characteristics due to the constraints imposed by its crystalline lattice symmetry.

“We have successfully fabricated a nanodisk of meticulously stacked molybdenum disulfide that retains the broken inverse symmetry within its structure, thereby preserving its optical nonlinearity. This configuration allows the nonlinear optical properties of each individual layer to be sustained and even enhanced,” states Georgii Zograf.

Innovating Optics with Compact Design

The material boasts a high refractive index, enabling more effective compression of light within this medium. Additionally, it can be transferred to any substrate without necessitating lattice matching with the underlying material. This nanostructure excels at localizing electromagnetic fields and generating light at doubled frequencies, a phenomenon known as second-harmonic generation, which is a nonlinear optical effect similar to those utilized in high-energy pulsed laser systems.

Thus, this nanodisk seamlessly integrates extreme nonlinearity with a high refractive index within a single, compact framework.

Nanodisk Boosts Light Advanced Photonics: Pioneering Future Optical Technologies

“Our proposed material and design represent cutting-edge advancements due to their exceptionally high inherent nonlinear optical properties and remarkable linear optical characteristics—a refractive index of 4.5 within the visible optical spectrum. These attributes render our research novel and potentially appealing to various industries,” asserts Georgii Zograf.

“This truly marks a pivotal moment, particularly given the disk’s minuscule dimensions. While second-harmonic generation and other nonlinearities are routinely employed in lasers, the platforms for such applications are generally on a centimeter scale. In stark contrast, our structure measures about 50 nanometers, making it approximately 100,000 times thinner,” elaborates research leader Professor Timur Shegai.

The researchers are optimistic that the nanodisk will propel advancements in photonics research. In the long term, the incredibly compact dimensions of TMD materials, along with their distinctive properties, hold promise for advanced optical and photonic applications. For instance, these structures could be integrated into various optical circuits or contribute to the miniaturization of photonic devices.

“We envision that this could significantly advance future nonlinear nanophotonics experiments across various domains, both quantum and classical. By effectively nanostructuring this exceptional material, we could drastically reduce the size and enhance the efficiency of optical devices, such as nanodisk arrays and metasurfaces. These innovations may find applications in nonlinear optics and the generation of entangled photon pairs. This represents a small yet significant step—just the beginning of what’s possible,” concludes Timur Shegai.


“Combining ultrahigh index with exceptional nonlinearity in resonant transition metal dichalcogenide nanodisks” by George Zograf, Alexander Yu. Polyakov, Maria Bancerek, Tomasz J. Antosiewicz, Betül Küçüköz, and Timur O. Shegai, 13 June 2024, Nature Photonics. DOI: 10.1038/s41566-024-01444-9.

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